In modern XBRL reporting systems, a key factor influencing the data processing chain is the XBRL validator. Its function is to verify that an XBRL report (XBRL instance) is in accordance with the report’s definition (XBRL taxonomy). The validator enables verification of the report before its delivery to the EBA. Since validation not only includes the form of the report, but also compliance with XBRL Formulae, using a professional XBRL validator is necessary to deliver obligatory reports correctly. inSISt is an efficient validator that follows all standards for ITS reporting.
inSISt’s technical architecture can be configured in various ways:
- as a built-in component of the aSISt reporting system,
- as a desktop application (inSISt console) without the need to build separate technical infrastructure,
- as a server – access to the validator is operated via web service, which enables integration with practically any system,
- as an EJB component – built into a dedicated server application and run on the application server
inSISt is delivered along with helpful customer service and high-quality updates that guarantee the use of current EBA ITS taxonomies.
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