The iON application allows the performance of the entire reporting process in a quick and convenient way. The system handles the entire process of conversion, loading, validation and generation of data in one tool. The ready report complies with all the requirements of the Supervisor, and the data is verified both at the stage of loading into the application and generating the final report.


  • Authenticated access via www – the application is available from the browser level, the user can perform all operations, including sending the correct report directly from the level of the app (for selected types of reports).
  • Support of qualified signature, which gives the possibility to authorize the created report and communication certificates enabling the report to be sent directly to the supervisor.
  • Possibility to view the status of files sent to the supervisor and download the Official Receipt Confirmation.
    A wide range of roles and user rights allows to manage the scope of work of individual employees and ensures data security.
  • Autonomous operation – the system can be configured to enable the automatic start of the process of generating reports after completion of the EndOfDay procedure, and the status of the processing result can be sent by email to defined users.
  • Manual data edition and records of related events are possible.
  • Possibility to download generated reports, e.g. for archiving purposes.
  • Intuitive handling of the entire report life cycle – the user is guided step by step, which enables work in the system without special training.
  • The generated reports comply with the standard required by the Supervisor, among others xml, txt.
  • Ability to add attachments to the report.

iON allows to enter data in two ways:

  • using individual data supply procedures that automatically load data from any tabular structure, the allowable format of input files is: csv, xml or direct paths to databases.
  • through a dedicated CSV file prepared manually or created by the bank’s core system.

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tel: 515 985 555
tel: 695 711 771
tel: 502 404 708

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tel: 71 332 99 99

